Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Final posting for the workshop

It seems that Weft QDA would be very helpful for me to use. I'm not sure wether it is the tool that I encountered at the last class, but it seems to be easy to use and the marking function should relieve a lot of work for clustering the data and identifying the patterns. I have a final assingment of self case-study for my L2 reading. I couldn't find the free software for Mac, but I will retry it. Instead, I downloaded EspressScribe hoping I could use this for transcribing my self recall-protocall data. During for the five short sessions, I encountered too many wonderful tools, and thus, I don't remember which tools that I used for transcribing while replaying the audio file. I don't think it's ExpressScribe.

I hope I could browse these during the winter break.

Well, Thanks to the instructor for sharing all this beneficial tools.